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StudentsImpact: View Response #32

1.What did you learn about new teaching and learning practices (such as blended learning (face to face and E-learning), more than one instructor, European Instructors, remote lab (if working),…)?

The VLE method was very flexible and it gives you the opportunity to choose the place and the time for studying.
We also had a new experience with the weekly quizzes which helped us to memorize the new topics that we had studied.
We also had a very exciting experience of having different instructors from different countries and universities that’s why the course wasn’t traditional like the other courses we have taken before.
But unfortunately we didn’t have enough time to discuss the material with the instructors.

2.What new links have you built with other students and universities in Europe (during visits to Europe or having European Instructors)?

For me I've built many connections with different kinds of people (( professors , students and researchers )) such as Mr. PAOLO VENTURINI who is a PHD student and he is doing some research on bio-fuels.

3.Do you think that MUREE (course and/or visits to EU) has provided you with extra career potential? If yes, how?

For the course it’s definitely provided me with extra information about a new topics which will give me an advantage over freshly graduates.  also during the EU trip we have learned about using a software called ((PVSOL)) which is a program used for designing PV system and its one of the markets requirements at the present.

4.What new skills and competencies did you obtain through the use of the labs? (if applicable).

Unfortunately there was some technical problems with remote labs and it did not work.

5.Please feel free to tell us about your experiences, and please give specific examples if possible.

For me I`ve got an idea for my graduation project , during our visit at SAPIENZA university we have learned about using vegetable oil as a fuel in diesel engines and I think it would be very useful if we applied this new technology in our country.
Also we have got the opportunity to see a prototype of biomass plant that’s produce hydrogen to use in fuel cells    

Created at 9/25/2015 2:06 AM by  
Last modified at 9/25/2015 2:06 AM by